Found 15 results
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Exploiting learning techniques for the acquisition of user stereotypes and communities,
: Springer, 1999.
"Learning rules for large vocabulary word sense disambiguation",
IJCAI, pp. 674–681, 1999.
"Clustering the Users of Large Web Sites into Communities.",
ICML, pp. 719–726, 2000.
"An evaluation of naive bayesian anti-spam filtering",
arXiv preprint cs/0006013, 2000.
"Large-scale mining of usage data on web sites",
AAAI Spring Symposium on Adaptive User Interfaces, pp. 92–97, 2000.
"Learning decision trees for named-entity recognition and classification",
ECAI Workshop on Machine Learning for Information Extraction, 2000.
"Learning rules for large-vocabulary word sense disambiguation: a comparison of various classifiers",
Natural Language Processing—NLP 2000: Springer, pp. 383–394, 2000.
"Learning to filter spam e-mail: A comparison of a naive bayesian and a memory-based approach",
arXiv preprint cs/0009009, 2000.
"Stacking classifiers for anti-spam filtering of e-mail",
arXiv preprint cs/0106040, 2001.
"Discovering user communities on the Internet using unsupervised machine learning techniques",
Interacting with Computers, vol. 14, no. 6: Elsevier, pp. 761–791, 2002.
"Ellogon: A new text engineering platform",
arXiv preprint cs/0205017, 2002.
"A memory-based approach to anti-spam filtering for mailing lists",
Information retrieval, vol. 6, no. 1: Springer, pp. 49–73, 2003.
"Web usage mining as a tool for personalization: A survey",
User modeling and user-adapted interaction, vol. 13, no. 4: Springer, pp. 311–372, 2003.
"An affective robot guide to museums",
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Human-Computer Conversation, Bellagio, Italy, 2008.
Knowledge-Driven Multimedia Information Extraction and Ontology Evolution,
: Springer, 2011.