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Filters: Author is Karkaletsis, Vangelis and First Letter Of Title is L [Clear All Filters]
"Large-scale mining of usage data on web sites",
AAAI Spring Symposium on Adaptive User Interfaces, pp. 92–97, 2000.
"Learning decision trees for named-entity recognition and classification",
ECAI Workshop on Machine Learning for Information Extraction, 2000.
"Learning rules for large-vocabulary word sense disambiguation: a comparison of various classifiers",
Natural Language Processing—NLP 2000: Springer, pp. 383–394, 2000.
"Learning to filter spam e-mail: A comparison of a naive bayesian and a memory-based approach",
arXiv preprint cs/0009009, 2000.
"Learning rules for large vocabulary word sense disambiguation",
IJCAI, pp. 674–681, 1999.
"Learning user communities for improving the services of information providers",
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: Springer, pp. 367–383, 1998.